Your Personality Type and Manifestation

Combining some light psychology and manifestation can be useful. Today, we are going to discuss your personality, preferences, habits and ways of expressing yourself that can help your manifestation play out as smoothly as possible.

Some people are extroverted and others, introverted. Some are outgoing and others are shy. Some are open and others tend to be distrusting for a variety of reasons. Some love to have booming social lives while others prefer to socialize mainly with their closest friends. Some are optimists and others are pessimists, even if they wish to be optimists instead and are currently working on achieving that goal. Some love to take risks while others like to feel comfortable. All of us love novelty in different ways.

How well do you know yourself? Knowing what kind of person you are helps you reach your full manifestation potential. What are you used to? More importantly, what would you prefer to experience?

Our strongest character traits can drive us in our lives. The things we seek and the lives we value can help us define the path in which we see our future manifestations coming together. Our personalities can help us manifest if we stay positive yet true to ourselves.

Are you upbeat? Do you like to engage in the things that keep you happy and excited? Or, do you get excited about many things without effort? Either way, you can boost your manifestation with the behaviors that are organic to you.

You probably like to enjoy the things that make you excited so try and incorporate living your desire with that. What would your desired manifestation have to entail in order for you to feel comfortable with it yet never lose yourself? If you like an adrenaline rush, take action towards your desire but only if the thought of doing so makes you happy while you expect nothing in return. In this case, you would simply be feeding your own happiness. You will feel excitement just from making a move! At the same time, always remain positive.

Are you an extremely strong person? Do you feel good but are rarely rattled, reducing your worries to problems larger than your own? If you think that nothing is a big deal (or, that many others make a big deal out of nothing), you stand a great chance at fast manifestation due to your steady mind and a resistance-free outlook on life.

Just like nothing else is a big deal, neither is your manifestation – it is just as likely to happen as anything else. Believe! You can receive your desire because it’s a regular thing in life. Something you are wishing for has already manifested for someone else before you and there will be others who will manifest the same type of thing in the future. It’s not as big of a deal as it seems.

Are you a highly positive person? Do you like to turn every situation in life into something positive or better yet, something you actually want?

You might not usually manifest many specific situations but rather have a habit of turning everything you encounter into something positive, knowing it’s going to work out for the best. Use your lack of need for specific details and focus on your end result – keep your end goal simple and you’ll succeed fast!

Are you imaginative? If you are, you can use the power of visualization effortlessly. With your eyes open or closed, focused or in passing, imagine that you have what you want, now. What are you doing with it? How do you feel? Who are you? Use the power of your imagination and live your desire as if it were reality right now!

If you like to imagine what makes you feel good, simply imagine your future.

Are you usually quiet? Then, you might prefer your desires to come to you without you “doing” anything but feeling good about yourself and allowing manifestation to happen by letting go. The steps in between will align. 

Imagine a world in which your desires have manifested. You were comfortable with manifestation and are now happy. Wasn’t it easy yet you were able to be yourself, taking all the time you needed? 

When you happily think about living in the world where you have everything you wanted, say an affirmation which reflects having your desire in your life or lovingly visualize living what you wanted. Then, just be yourself. 

Be positive and believe.


8 Comments Add yours

  1. Hope says:

    Hello Nina,
    With loa can we change our personality type, to become that person that we want to be?
    For example i am a little quiet and shy, and i want to be more fun, more social person. I want to be funny and interesting, someone who can talk With anbody about anything, making jokes, having fun etc. A big change from who i am now, is it possible, can i change my personality type? πŸ™‚
    Thank you


  2. Hope says:

    Or can we change this at all? πŸ™‚


    1. Nina Grdic says:

      We can but faith and focus take strength and patience. However, all can be achieved when you love yourself!


      1. Hope says:

        So it is possible? πŸ™‚
        And i just imagine that i am funny, i am confident i am having fun with anybody…?
        Because its not something that the universe give to me, its something that i have to make?


  3. Hope says:

    Nina, It happened!!!
    I dont know how it happened, i am becoming more confident, i am talkative, i am open, i make jokes, have fun….
    Maybe i just starting to become comfortable With who i am, starting to love myself:)
    Because i didnt do anything, in the last couple of weeks i even forget about is:)
    So it happened, it came true πŸ™‚ ❀❀❀❀❀
    Thank you for your help ❀❀❀❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nina Grdic says:

      Dear Hope,

      Amazing!!!!!!! And proof enough that you can do anything you want πŸ˜€ I am so proud of you!


  4. Hope says:

    Also, one more Question:
    There is one girl in the workplace, and we become very good friends, but i want us to be best friends πŸ™‚
    How should i start? πŸ™‚


    1. Nina Grdic says:

      Imagine that you are doing things together, the things you want to do with her as your best friend, with both of you feeling like best friends and both of you knowing it πŸ˜€


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