Upset About Not Manifesting Your Relationship?

Anyone has the right to feel and act how they should. We should only know that their current feelings don’t get in the way of our desire, and we simply must be aware of that in order to manifest.

Should You Talk About Your Desire?

Several days ago, I was asked to give an opinion on the topic of verbally discussing a desire during its manifestation period. Some like to discuss their desires while manifesting them and other don’t. Some are aware of LoA sources advising against talking about one’s desire during its manifestation period while other sources advise manifestation…

Trying to Control the Outcome, Simplified

For the past two days, a friend and I explored the reasons for their resistance in manifesting a specific desire. It got me thinking about the reasons for the resistance in many and especially, some of the blog readers according to the questions asked in the past days. From the topics of core beliefs contradicting one’s…

Do You Cling to Specific Behaviors?

When it comes to men and women especially, a difference in behaviors, reasons for those behaviors, habits and approach methods can cause a riff between the two sides, resulting in arguments and resentment. One side feels that the other should act a certain way if they care while the other feels that they did nothing…

Keeping Focus on Your Ultimate Goal

Since I mentioned this in my last few blog comments, I will elaborate on it now. Some find themselves to be capable of keeping a limited amount of focus on their end goal while overthinking its potential development or painful past experiences in the meantime. Several times, I’ve manifested using the following set of personally devised steps. Capture the feeling…

When We Think We Know How…

You probably have a specific idea of how a relationship is supposed to happen and what one should do when pursuing their love interest. Texting, calling and asking to see you on a daily basis, asking you to meet their friends, declaring the things those in love tend to declare, asking you to be exclusive, expressing…