A friend once told me an interesting story. She was visualizing the act of a former flame coming back into her life. She thought about his grand gestures, what he would say, how he’d ask her to come back and how often his phone calls would come. She imagined the act of reconciliation because it…

Ask Me A Question, Answered!

Hope you’re having a great Sunday, everyone! It’s time to start our question-answering portion of the blog, and here’s an interesting inquiry to start with. Hello!I’m writing this letter in order to get some advice from you. I’m relatively new in this Law of Attraction thing, and I would like to share with you my…

Showing Interest in Someone Makes Them Interested in You

Men and women are often being told that showing interest in a prospective partner makes them look needy, desperate or pushy, and that those who don’t care are the ones who get the girl/guy instead. Those giving and taking or worrying about such advice take an important ingredient out of it – the Law of…

How to Handle Social Media in Your Relationship Manifestation

Over the past months, I have been hearing about social media causing annoyance in relationships and their manifestations; at the same time, many are aware of its lack of meaning and relevance while others have been irritated by it in the past only to come to realize its lack of actual power in the present.

Self-Love Equals Smooth Manifestation

For days, I’ve been thinking about the single most important part of effortless manifestation. Most of us wanted to know the answer to successfully avoiding negative thoughts and stopping ourselves from engaging in doubt yet we didn’t find it until we started to feel unconditionally good about ourselves. They don’t tell us that love is…

Do You Cling to Specific Behaviors?

When it comes to men and women especially, a difference in behaviors, reasons for those behaviors, habits and approach methods can cause a riff between the two sides, resulting in arguments and resentment. One side feels that the other should act a certain way if they care while the other feels that they did nothing…

A Love Manifestation in Someone Else’s Life

One of my closest friends recently manifested a relationship with a specific person. In this venture, we’d joined forces. A manifestation guide and solutions to details that appeared along the way, the harnessing of energy coming from both our sides and keeping focus on the end goal resulted in waves of success. My friend has…