How to Attract a Happy Lifestyle

It’s difficult to create a lifestyle if you don’t know what kind you want. And if you want a happy relationship, happiness should be your goal as well as lifestyle already. Choosing happiness every day of our lives simply by choosing people and activities that perpetuate it as well as visualizations and the conviction of…

When You “Fail” to Manifest – A Guide to Starting Over!

What happens when you think your manifestation might arrive at a specific moment yet it doesn’t? You might have gotten signs or feedback that lead you to believe it was happening only to discover that it wasn’t what you hoped for, at least not just yet. 

How Do Others See You?

Do you ever think about the perception of yourself some people seem to hold? Not that it matters; we are looking at this just for fun. Or…does the perception of you held by others ever upset you? This may have happened rarely overall but at one point, it happened several consecutive times. Some would see me…

From Fear to Freedom

Reacting to one’s negative thoughts indicates one’s lack of focus on their desired manifestation. This means there is resistance present around the said manifestation. Deciding that your desire belongs to you already is a choice. This choice means a change is going to be made in your life when your desire manifests. You will have a new…

The Garage Door Metaphor

While closing my garage door today, I once again thought of an idea I’d recently had. Since LoA works on the exact same principle regardless of one’s desire, I advise (you) conscious manifestation practitioners to look back on anything you have successfully manifested and apply the same principle to your current desires. I manifest any…

If You Love You, Do So Unconditionally!

This is one of the most important posts I have ever written. I often stress the importance of directing feelings of love and appreciation towards oneself regardless of one’s current life circumstances, physical appearance, social or financial status. Some may think they need specific external validation in order to achieve their desired self-confidence, a notion entirely…

Your Reactions = Your Awareness

Your reactions to appearances and external stimuli effortlessly show where your awareness is and with that, where you feel your current place in life to be. Sometimes, it isn’t that we attract entirely different events or see the signs we want from the start; often, it is all about which ones we relate to and react…

Crossing Between Parallel Realities – Can You Feel the Shift?

With the Law of Attraction, we are able to shift between realities, manifest our desires and even change our memories of the past. We are able to choose and step inside the realities we wish to experience but if we pay close attention, we can feel ourselves to be on an actual way to a…

A Love Manifestation in Someone Else’s Life

One of my closest friends recently manifested a relationship with a specific person. In this venture, we’d joined forces. A manifestation guide and solutions to details that appeared along the way, the harnessing of energy coming from both our sides and keeping focus on the end goal resulted in waves of success. My friend has…